
Card-based solution addresses duty of care

Collinson Group has launched 360 Assistancea unique assistance solution to help managers proactively manage their duty of care towards their employees who undertake international business travel.

360 Assistance is a fully integrated medical and security advice and emergency response service for corporates employing frequent business travellers, short-term assignees or expatriate workers.  It has been designed to help users in any situation, in any time zone around the world through Collinson Group’s extensive global network.

Central to the offering is a Chip & PIN enabled membership card which can be remote-loaded with emergency cash or with day-to-day travel expenses to provide peace of mind for staff who may need funds urgently.  It is also a cost-effective alternative to corporate credit cards as the employer controls the allocation of funds and all costs can be tracked for the purpose of expense management.  360 Assistance cardholders have direct access to a range of services addressing medical and security risks including globally indemnified evacuation, repatriation and emergency response, alongside additional travel enhancement services and benefits.

The service features a 24/7/365 helpline, where business travellers can obtain bespoke pre-travel advice from qualified medical staff or security experts. It also includes a customised web portal, providing up-to-date medical and security information on over 200 countries and a real-time incident alert service to keep travellers updated while on the move.

Collinson Group believes that the corporate market remains significantly underserved by the corporate assistance industry.  The firm notes the findings of the latest GBTA European Business Traveller Well-being Study which found that almost half (46%) of travellers had concerns regarding the coverage of their traditional business travel insurance, and 44% had concerns about the quality and access to overseas medical facilities. 

David Evans, Managing Director, Insurance & Assistance at Collinson Group, said“Business travel has always carried inherent risks; from falling ill in an unfamiliar location to being caught up in civil unrest.  As staff travel to more diverse and far-flung destinations these risks are becoming increasingly complex and unpredictable – so the need for employers to deliver appropriate support is greater than ever.

“Having the 360 Assistance card in their wallets will give travellers greater peace of mind while allowing employers to address their duty of care requirements in a simple and cost-effective manner.”    

To meet their ‘duty of care’ obligations employers need to ensure they have taken all reasonable measures to protect workers’ health and safety.  This covers both mental and physical wellbeing and practically means employers must comply with relevant employment law, health & safety regulations and minimise employees’ exposure to risk.