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GiftRound is a new online service that is changing the way people collect money for gifts. It provides a quick, hassle-free and secure way to collect money for gifts in the workplace and with friends and family.

GiftRound customers can easily create a collection, invite people to contribute and purchase a gift. 

In an increasingly cashless society with teams spread over different locations, working from home or overseas, the traditional card and envelope just doesn’t work.  

Right from its inception, GiftRound has been designed with a focus on three key areas:

1) Making group collections for gifts hassle-free 

2) Making collections more secure and inclusive  

3) Providing customers with a range of quality gifts and experiences

The overarching aim is to bring a little fun and magic back to all the people involved in the process of gift-giving.

If you are fed up with chasing the envelope and being left either out of pocket or with all that loose change then why not make your next collection a GiftRound collection.