
CitySuites receives ASAP quality accreditation

CitySuites has received accreditation by the Association of Serviced Apartment Providers (ASAP), declaring the accommodation to deliver the highest standards in customer care, quality and comfort. Based in Manchester, CitySuites offers luxury apartments and temporary living arrangements for employees working away from home, and are thrilled that ASAP have reinforced their beliefs that the living spaces on offer meet industry expectations for style as well as safety.

โ€œOver the last few months weโ€™ve worked hard to provide a new, stylish and signature way of living thatโ€™s never been seen before in Manchester,โ€ said Gavin Bailey, operations director of CitySuites. โ€œBeing based in the heart of the city means that we can we offer a bespoke, luxury service in a location convenient for those needing to be in close proximity to the city centre.โ€

The ASAP accreditation programme is considered the leading global quality assessment scheme for serviced apartments, executive suites and corporate housing and executive suites. With CitySuites only opening three months ago, ASAP were very impressed with their findings, describing the accreditation as a testament to the high quality on offer.

โ€œAs a new serviced apartment operator itโ€™s especially important for CitySuites to demonstrate to all of its clients that it is delivering a quality product which is fully compliant with all the mandatory legal, health and safety requirements,โ€ explained chief executive of ASAP, James Foice. โ€œCitySuites is a fantastic new property which we are delighted to have in membership of our Association and we look forward to a close partnership with them in the future.โ€