
Clean up with this helpful desk diet

Failure to keep on top of clutter at work means that the average UK office desk is weighed down by almost a stone of workspace-related paraphernalia. Research suggests that this can lead to stress, spats and even official warnings from bosses. Thatโ€™s why Product & Solutions Manager at Brother UK Andy Johnson has come up with some helpful hints on how to keep your office in order.

Items such as stationery, notepads and magazines are part and parcel of the office furniture. Andy suggests keeping your cupboards and workspaces tidy by organising and then labelling objects. Using a printer you can make customised labels instantly, enabling you to identify things quickly and easily. This will save wasted time spent locating documents and equipment, thereby helping the office to run more efficiently.

After spending time out of the office, managers often return with piles of receipts for PAs to process that can easily add unnecessary clutter to their desks. Resolve this by providing your boss with a portable scanner that he or she can use to scan their receipts when on the move. This will make tasks such as filing expenses much easier and will also help to prevent old receipts from turning into a paperwork headache.

Large filing cabinets overflowing with old documents are both disorganised and stressful. Converting paper documents into digital files using a high-speed desktop scanner will make managing them much easier. Not only will this free up space in the office, but for those using cloud computing it will also mean that documents can be easily accessed by employees working remotely.

Finally, while digitising documents is a great start, itโ€™s important to keep the digital files organised and easy to navigate. Andy recommends that businesses think about investing in document management software that enables you to administer digital workloads more effectively by turning scanned documents into searchable PDFs.

For more top tips on how to keep up your office diet, visit the Brother Facebook page at