
Communications platform assists key workers during pandemic 

Created in direct response to the COVID-19 Pandemic, Sussex-based company Locate Global has adapted its Incident Management Platform for comprehensive crisis communications, specifically to enable key workers safety and support the Health Care sector.

Locate was developed primarily as a Travel Safety platform providing duty of care to travellers, allowing companies to monitor their travellers globally. However, with updates and new features it’s and particularly useful now in the current climate as a Covid recovery and business continuity tool.

Locate Global says existing clients have already shown that instead of a platform with some unique features, it now has a platform that offers different organisations several uses.

A fast deployable solution with advanced infrastructure, Locate Connect enables employee welfare checks and, importantly, health status updates. Using the mass notification feature team leaders are able to effectively communicate with their teams with fast, reliable assurance, without the cost of individual text messages. Assistance can be quickly escalated to specific individuals.

With real time monitoring on the health of employees and complete visibility of the workforce across an organisation, managers can assess and monitor wellbeing, assisting vulnerable employees. Importantly, this also allows greater efficiency for workforce availability, rota and shift coordination.

The platform is a vital tool for key workers conducting house visits as they are able to escalate any issues encountered during visits, such as lack of PPE, changes in care arrangements or additional medical assistance required. Locate Connect allows healthcare organisations to instantly share up-to-date health advice, travel bans or essential operational updates.

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