
Commuters miss stops because of late-night phone checks

UK train commuters admit to missing their stop on their journey to work because they were up late checking their phones, according to new research commissioned by Vodafone.

The study found that one in three commuters have slept through their stop because of tiredness, with 28% admitting they frequently wake up during the night to check their emails and texts.

More than half of those surveyed said they feel they stay up too late working on smartphones, laptops and tablets. A further 23% said their sleep is often disrupted because their phone is next to them while they sleep.

A quarter said they find it difficult to get back to sleep after checking their messages during the night, while one in five parents believe late internet use by their children makes it harder for them to get out of bed in the morning.

Sleep expert Professor John Groeger from the University of Hull says using devices at night can have a direct impact on sleep. He comments that device use directly before bed and during the night makes restless sleep caused by work stress even worse. Delaying sleep means workers make poor decisions due to fatigue, according to Groeger.

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