
Delegates attempt a Guinness World Record at the PA Life Summit

Delegates attempt a Guinness World Record at the PA Life Summit

After the amazing gala dinner last night, it was a bright and early start for the delegates at the PA Life Summit as we attempted to set a record with the help of the Guinness World Records team.

We were given a short introduction to Guinness World Records, who can arrange for record attempts to be made as a team-building exercise at corporate events. Then our official adjudicator Alan told us we’d be having a go at keeping the most balloons in the air continuously for one minute while standing. Sounds simple, right? It’s tougher than you think!

After being split into teams of 12, we were given 10 minutes to come up with a strategy and practise our technique. My team started out trying to juggle all of the balloons we were given, but even with 12 incredibly capable PAs it was simply too much. So we decided to each juggle two balloons individually, helping each other out when we could. It wasn’t long before all three groups chose the same tactic.

Crunch time came and the first group was brought forward for their attempt. They made a valiant effort and managed 12 balloons in the end. Group two seemed to be a bit more with it and ended up with 15. Then came my group and sadly I was the one to lose a balloon while everybody else managed to keep both. Luckily, the rest of the team pulled through and we won the competition with 17 balloons.

But what is the current world record? According to Alan, it’s 30. While we didn’t quite make it, we were pretty close. With another 10 minutes of practice I reckon we could’ve done it.

Our delegates are now settling down for today’s round of supplier meetings. We’ll check back this afternoon with a report on PA Life Editor Amelia Walker’s panel debate.