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Treat Your Staff
Treat Your Staff
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Employees fear their age is stopping their career progression

The leading concern for preventing career progression in Europe is a workerโ€™s age, according to new statistics by ADP. Above favouritism, lack of opportunities and family needs, a fifth of Europeans believe that their age is stopping their career in its tracks.

Of highest concern in the Netherlands, Switzerland and United Kingdom, age concerns grow as workers get older, with 46% of over 55s concerned that their career is struggling, as workforce diversity continues to grow. Five generations will soon be working side by side, and with many companies embracing the digital age, some fear their careers will be overtaken by the younger, tech-ready generations.

Conversely, a lack of experience can also lead to fears that they wonโ€™t be taken seriously within a company. Workers between 25 and 34 believe themselves to be the most comfortable with their career progression, as just 7% are worried that their age is stopping them progressing in their job.

A third of employees believe that their company isnโ€™t supporting their career development, with that figure increasing due to age. This could, however, reflect the more senior positions of older workers rather than a lack of support for further development, as 79% of 16-24 year olds believe their employer is actively interested in their development within the company.

Employees in Wales, Northern Ireland and the North West in particular admitted they believed a lack of opportunities in the company was the biggest obstacle stopping promotion or progression. As 15% of workers nationwide donโ€™t plan on staying in their employment for more than a year, there are fears that the lack of employee loyalty could lead to a downward spiral of reduced career opportunities, with disheartened workers not seeing the point in putting much effort into their work.

โ€œIn order to have a properly engaged and committed workforce, employers must ensure all employees are treated fairly and receive the support and recognition they deserve,โ€ said Annabel Jones, HR director at ADP UK. โ€œSimilarly, organisations need to address any generational concerns felt by employees to benefit from the value that diverse age and experience levels bring to the workplace.โ€