
Get inspired by Green Office Week

If you?ve decided to become more environmentally friendly round the office, then it?s good timing as Avery?s Green Office Week runs until this Friday. The annual event encourages UK workers to think about the environment and implement small changes in the workplace.

This year it?s all about listening and knowledge sharing with the creation of a special crowd-sourced guide to being greener in the office. During the week, Avery will be encouraging the exchange of ideas and calling on offices around the UK for their green tips, suggestions and success stories for the guide. The overall aim is to create a huge source of green inspiration to be released on the final day of the initiative, Friday 15 May.

Contributions are already coming in for the Big Green Crowd-sourced Guide, but Avery plans to collect many more ideas during the week itself, as office workers participate in Green Office Week?s daily themes and activities. Whether it?s tips for saving energy, the benefits of being green or creative ways of reducing and reusing waste at work ? all suggestions are welcome and can be sent to any time before Friday 15 May. Businesses and individuals who contribute to the guide will be fully credited and their green ideas recognised, plus there will be prizes for the best suggestions.

Continuing with this year?s theme of sharing and learning, there will also be plenty of daily discussion on Avery?s social media channels during the week using #greenoffice15. Each day Avery will be talking about how you can make office traditions such as the tea round and the lunch break more environmentally friendly with daily prizes for participants. Eco-friendly prizes on offer during the week include recycled stationery and office accessories, as well as eco-friendly treats.

The results of a survey looking at attitudes towards green efforts in the office will also be revealed during the week. The new research will explore the motivations behind being greener at work as well as what gets in the way of green change.