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Heather Baker recounts her career ahead of PA Life Training Day

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Esteemed PA Trainer and Founder of Baker Thompson Associates Heather Baker is set to help attendees at PA Life Training Day โ€œBuild a personal brand with strong communication skillsโ€. With just three weeks to go before this must-attend event, we asked Heather to tell us more about her fantastic career.

โ€œI canโ€™t believe itโ€™s more than 16 years since I established Baker Thompson Associates.

โ€œNot having been able to get decent PA training in the 1990s (courses were often facilitated by guys from HR whoโ€™d never actually done the job), I was absolutely sure that there was a need for specialised training and coaching for PAs by people whoโ€™d got the T-shirt!

โ€œI hoped to be able to go into companies around the North West of England, where I am based (and maybe even London), and help PAs, EAs and administrators to find ways to excel in their roles. I had no idea how things would turn out.

โ€œ16 years later and I travel all over the UK and the Channel Islands. For the last 11 years I have been regularly working around the Middle East and since a couple of years after that in the Far East. I have now also made three trips to Australia and am invited back later this year, and I visited South Africa in February. I have had three books published and created a speedwriting system. What a wonderful job!

โ€œHowever, besides my blessings, what is particularly wonderful is how the role of the PA is now perceived.

โ€œWhen I started, I constantly heard tales of bullying and managers taking advantage; now, it is very different. Sadly theย bullyingย still exists, but things are so much better.

โ€œOffice professionals are benefitting from the rise in exceptional trainers around the world who help them build their confidence, value their contribution and encourage their development.

โ€œWe now see PA networks around the world, within organisations or national, international and local areas.ย I am delighted to be involved with these groups.

โ€œHappily, we are now reaching a point where organisations have started to value the role of administration and understand the need for relevant and high-quality training (thisย articleย tells you more).

โ€œOffice professionals themselves appreciate the steps they have to take to excel in their roles and ensure a successful career path. Learning and development is encouraged and enjoyed.

โ€œPeople are proud to be a part of this vital profession.โ€