
How Teams Unpuzzled can help your team through lockdown and beyond

By Teams Unpuzzled

Teams Unpuzzled has always been about people, whether itโ€™s the teams we are working with, or our very own team of actors and facilitators. We deliver effective team building through our Murder Mystery activities because we practice what we preach, and thatโ€™s why we โ€˜Unpuzzlersโ€™ have developed a special kind of bond which reflects positively back on you and your team.

Back in the heady days of โ€˜realโ€™ events our actors had to deal with wardrobe malfunctions, 3-hour drives with seven of us crammed into one car and, occasionally, a stay over in rather dubious accommodation.ย  In the early days we got changed in broom cupboards and survived on bags of peanuts.

In a virtual world the challenges are different, but numerous. Major characters disappearing due to power cuts are taken in our stride because we have faith in each other to take up the slack. Buffering video or sudden loss of presentation? Improvise!

The point is, we are real people, and we understand what teamwork is like in the real world.ย  We donโ€™t talk at you, we involve you. We have fun, we laugh, we make mistakes (yes, the time we realised that you canโ€™t run two Zoom meetings at once and managed, with 5 minutes notice, to create a new account and start another successful event on time; we are resourceful and good in a crisis). We understand teams, and we trust each other.

We love what we do, and if you meet us, we think youโ€™ll really like us!ย  Find out more about our Virtual Escape Room, ย Virtual Murder Mystery or even better, how to get involved with our teambuilding events Beyond Lockdown

We are always happy to have a chat so do get in touch:

01635 800215 / 07976 797301