
How to boost productivity in the office: part 2 (Infographic)

The infographic from Online Course Repost gives some helpful suggestions for both managers and employees for increasing workplace productivity.


Let Workers Determine their Workspace

Never overlook the importance of the physical work environment. Whether your office is open space, cubicled, or a hybrid, what ultimately matters most is worker empowerment.


Worker-Empowered Offices Promote Personalized:

  • Work spaces
  • Office decor
  • Common areasScience Shows Worker-Empowered Offices Enhance:
  • Business Morale
  • Productivity
  • Well-Being


Once youโ€™ve been given the keys to the office, consider these additional tips.


Productivity Increasers:

  • Rounded furnitureGreen, blue, and red colors
  • Natural light
  • Plants
  • Outdoor views
  • Healthy snacks
  • Personal photos or pictures
  • Ergonomic desk chair/standing desk


Take a Break:

Scheduled, disciplined breaks are different โ€“ and much more productive โ€“ than unscheduled interruptions and distractions. A 30-second mini-break can increase productivity by 13%. A 15-second break from staring at your computer reduces fatigue by 50%. And if you can get away with it, a 40-minute nap increases alertness by 34%.


Breaks Help Us To:

  • Reduce boredomRetain information
  • Re-evaluate goals
  • Improve self-control
  • Generate new ideas
  • Re-energize
Your workflow is ultimately just that โ€“ yours. Find what suits you, and stick with it until you discover something even better.