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Is ‘Victoria Beckham Syndrome’ stopping you getting a promotion?

As 61 per cent of adults have been wrongly considered miserable, we ask are you guilty of ‘Posh Spice Syndrome’? 

Are you similar to Victoria Beckham with people mistaking you for being ‘moody’ just because you aren’t smiling? Well, according to new research it could be holding you back from your next promotion.

With nearly half of the nation admitting to not liking their smile or the state of their teeth a new survey by Straight Teeth Direct, has revealed that a large percentage of the population feel self-conscious about their pearly whites.

Nearly one in five expressed fears they were becoming increasingly ‘introverted’ because they felt so self-conscious about smiling and laughing, while many felt their teeth had more of a negative effect on their confidence than their physique, hair or wrinkles.

“Smiling is the most natural thing in the world. It’s an important way to communicate across boundaries and languages,” said: Dr Aalok Shukla, CEO and co-founder of Straight Teeth Direct.

“Consciously not smiling for fear of revealing your teeth can trigger a negative cycle comprising of feelings of anxiety, lack of confidence and low self-esteem.”

According to the report, one in five of those polled said feeling this way had impacted their ability to make friends because they are wrongly perceived as ‘miserable’ or ‘rude’.One in ten revealed they were picked on at school due to their teeth and one in 20 admitted they had even considered cancelling their wedding as a result of anxieties about their smile. It also emerged 14 per cent feel their smile has held them back in the dating world for the same reason.

The comprehensive study found that more than a quarter have paid for procedures to improve the appearance of their smile – spending £692.91 on average in the process.

Have you suffered from ‘Posh Spice Syndrome’? Let us know at @PALifeMag

Main image credit: Twitter @@victoriabeckham