
Keep office romance strictly secret

If you prefer keeping your new romance from others on a strictly need-to-know basis, then youโ€™re not alone. According to a recent survey, more than half of UK office workers prefer to keep a relationship with a colleague a secret.

The poll reveals that of the 55% of people who think office romances should be kept quiet, the majority (62%) are men who donโ€™t want the dalliances to be made public, as it distracts them from their work.

The results are in stark contrast to another survey conducted by Nottingham-based recruitment specialist Staffbay, which shows that an astonishing one in five UK workers would consider sleeping with their boss in order to get a promotion. Revealingly, although men want to keep flings hush-hush, they are more likely than women to have a physical relationship with somebody higher up the ladder to advance their career (30% versus 8%).

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