
LOOKING BACK: PA Life Virtual Meet Up with Not Just Travel

This week saw PA Life Club members gather for an online Virtual Meet Up, in association with Gary Holmes at Not Just Travel,

It was a fantastic session, covering off the impact of coronavirus on business travel and how the industry is likely to change and evolve once lockdown is over, including:-

  • Business travel – will this area will be reduced once we things have gone back to normal, now we have all mastered Zoom?
  • The potential savings if business travel was reduced with no impact to revenue and net profit
  • The positive impact on the environment looking at the pollution levels over China and North Italy
  • Will holidays abroad be affected going forward?
  • Or will we want to start to look at different experiences whilst on holiday?
  • When we book a holiday do we want to make a positive pay back to the country we’re visiting (water, education, trees etc) to compensate for the carbon foot print?

We’d like to thank everyone who gave up their time to get involved and make it happen. To find out more about Not Just Travel, click here.

Here are some pics!

PA Life is hosting a series of Meet Up panels for PA Life Club members during lockdown – if you’d like to get involved either as a participant or as an industry supplier get in touch with Charlotte Russell on 01992 374 080 /