
Lower your cyber security risk

Addressing the ever-changing cyber-threat environment is an ongoing challenge for businesses. One study by Forrester Research predicts that 60% of businesses will discover they’ve been victims of a security breach in the next year, and that up to 80% will experience one – which they may not even be aware of. Business therefore need to find innovative, new ways to close the gap between the breaches they’re catching and those they aren’t.

There are three stages of cyber security: prevention, detection and remediation. Consider taking these proactive measures to help lower the risk of a breach:

1. Tell employees how to help ?Clearly define not just who has authority over your company’s cyber security, but also who’s responsible for upholding it. Educate employees on your security strategy and how to recognize and report threats so users can make security decisions accordingly.

2. Establish an Enterprise Information Security Architecture (EISA) An EISA is a plan or system that provides structure and support to a business’ security processes — from limiting physical access to a building to protecting digital files.

3. Take advantage of the cloud Cloud technology can provide remote security software without requiring onsite hardware.

4. Detect threats through context awareness Context-aware security analytics mitigate cyber attacks by analyzing where the data came from and who authored it.

5. Develop an outsourcing strategy It is a good option for companies that want to enhance their security functions quickly.

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