
Majority of Brits claim to be tech-savvy but cling to old-fashioned job hunting habits

Jobseekers are not taking advantage of technology when it comes to applying for jobs, which is preventing companies saving time and money when recruiting.


Three in four (78%) Brits describe themselves as โ€˜tech-savvyโ€™โ€“ adopters and users of all things digital. However, this tech-enthusiasm has not crossed into the world of job-seeking, with just 15% in the UK claiming to have used digital tools to apply for a new role.

To bridge this technology-adoption gap, Foosle has launched a pioneering approach to get candidates using video interviewing. The guide uses behavioural science principles like social norms; reciprocity, messenger and more to help employers and recruiters influence candidates to embrace video interviewing as a new part of the job application process.

Foosleโ€™s research revealed that younger generations arenโ€™t as tech-forward as expected when it comes to applying for jobs, even in comparison to older generations:

ยท      Nine in ten (89%) millennialsdescribe themselves as tech-savvy. However, a very small proportion of these jobseekers have used digital-video methods to apply for jobs.

ยท      Fewer than one in ten (8%) millennials have recorded a video interview or participated in a live job interview via Skype.

ยท      Meanwhile, 7% of an older generation (45-55 year olds) can claim the same, dispelling myths that millennials are more digitally resourceful on the job hunt.

A higher proportion of these jobseekers are still using more traditional means to apply for jobs. CVs and covering letters are used by three in four (74%) millennials and 40% use networking to seek out job opportunities.

Despite the slow adoption of digital job applications, millennial candidates are keen to reap the benefits they offer. Two in five (43%) think that an opportunity to show off their personality or demonstrate the ability to think on the spot (44%) would help them land the job. Both of these benefits can be achieved with video interviewing, a tool just 2% of millennials have used.