
Make guaranteed savings on every booking with Travelodge

Free to join, Travelodge Business helps 45,0000 companies across the UK save time and money.

For every business

Travelodge is the ideal choice for business.ย  Whether you are a large business looking to control your costs, or a small start-up making the most of your cashflow, with over 570 hotels across the UK located in all major towns and cities we have a great range of hotels to suit your travel needs and budget.

Quality and value

We stand for more than just value. Our recent ยฃ100m modernisation programme has seen us upgrade more than 30,000 rooms across our estate with a new more contemporary look and feel, including installing over 40,000 brand new king size Travelodge Dreamerโ„ข beds. Over 500 hotels have a rating of 4 or more on TripAdvisor and this year 324 were awarded with a TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence.

Travelodge PLUS hotels give you all the great value youโ€™d expect from a Travelodge, with added style and comfort – from the in-room Lavazza coffee machine and the Hansgrohe Raindance 3jet adjustable power shower, to USB charging points throughout, every Travelodge PLUS hotel has been thoughtfully designed with business travellers in mind.

Start saving today

When you join Travelodge Business, you can start making immediate savings for your company with a guaranteed year-round 5% discount off all flexible rate bookings. Completely free to join, you can also enjoy a host of other exclusive benefits:

  • Up to 6 weeks interest free credit with a Travelodge Business Account, our optional free payment solution
  • A business dashboard where you can view all bookings and download reports to easily stay in control of your budget.
  • Save booker and frequent stayer details to help make bookings even quicker.
  • A dedicated UK based Business Support Team to support with any queries or special requests.

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