
PAs reveal their clients’ most hated tasks

A survey has revealed the least popular tasks dealt with by virtual PAs, outsourced from the SMEs for whom they work.

According to the virtual PAs of small business owners, the most unpopular tasks are processing expenses and chasing payments, says Time Etc, a virtual PA company based in England and overseas

PAs were able to vote on which five were their least favourite tasks from a selection of 25, based on what their employers always passed on to them to deal with.
At the top of the list, voted for by almost three quarters (72%) as one of their clients? most-hated tasks, is chasing payments from customers and clients. This is closely followed by processing their own expenses (61%) – a necessity for the Inland Revenue, but a bugbear for many SME owners.
Formatting documents (39%), booking travel tickets (37%) and managing and organising email inboxes (35%) come next. Social media profiles and blogs, which have to be regularly updated to have any real impact, are also unpopular.
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