Keith Prowse - Jan only
Treat Your Staff
Treat Your Staff
Story Events - until Feb

Seminar booking for the PA Show is now open!

Seminars for the PA Show are now available to book, with a mix of free and paid for streams, the CPD accredited PA Show educational programme offers an unrivalled breadth of opportunities for development and knowledge. The programme consists of 7 theatres of content including The Wellness Theatre, Key Skills Theatre, Personal Development Theatre, Evolution Theatre, VA Conference and Event Management Theatre and the free-to-attend Keynote Theatre.  

The Keynote Theatre features international speakers offering motivational and aspirational talks combined with real PAs/EAs/VAs talking about their roles. Included in this mix are PAs for celebrities such as Rachel Weitz, Helena Bonham-Carter, Julian Cleary and the VA for both Howard and Mark from Take That. 

The Workplace Wellness and Wellbeing Summit is a new edition for 2020, hosted by PA Life, the Wellness Summit will provide two days of talks from leading experts and thought-leaders with one goal in mind: to help visitors to prioritise self-care and maintain a good work/life balance. Topics covered will include Nutrition, Goal Mapping, Avoiding Burnout and much more.

The Key Skills Theatre will provide training on the core elements and skills needed for office support professionals, with valuable training on Microsoft, Outlook, Excel. Industry expert Paul Pennant will be presenting sessions such as โ€˜How to save 90 minutes a day using Outlookโ€™ and โ€˜Magic moments with Microsoftโ€™ 

The Personal Development Theatre will be tackling issues such as exploring assertiveness, career progression or managing your manager along with many other topics, this theatre offers practical advice on every element of development.  We will also be exploring what the future hold for PAs, EAs, VAs and Office Managers and how an assistantโ€™s role will change in the coming years in our Evolution Theatre. Abigail Jones, an EA at Facebook will be presenting a session on โ€˜Evolving Your Role- what do you want, and how to get itโ€™

On day 1, The Event Management Theatre will be exploring an ever-increasing element of an assistantโ€™s role, event planning โ€“ from AGMโ€™s to Christmas parties, this content stream will explore best practice needed to achieve successful events โ€“ from budgets, to venues to audience attraction. 

On day 2, there is content stream for Virtual assistants, exploring the widely differing dynamics experienced by VAs on a daily basis. 

As you have already registered, you can simply login to your visitor profile by clicking โ€˜Login to your registration and book seminarsโ€™ at the bottom of the page registration page, all you need is your email address and password you used to register.  If you have not yet registered, you can book seminars on the landing page once registration is complete. 

For full details of this yearโ€™s event visit