
The Book of Job

The Book of Job – Dale Stafford

(The Principal Department, £19.95)

In the author’s own words, this is a book “packed with priceless perspicuity about the business of people for people in business”. It’s a handbag-sized book with a limited-edition run of 1,000 so it feels special and the enthusiasm of the writer is obvious. Quotes from luminaries such as Buddha and Winston Churchill, references to parables and some inspirational and motivational sayings make it easy to flick through the pages.

If you work through the chapters logically they will take you on a journey. However, that journey is a biblical one; the writing is a parody of that found in the books of the Bible. I found it a quirky read, although slightly self-indulgent. If your bookshelves are groaning under the weight of the usual suspects of business books, then this is something different. It’ll take you an hour cover to cover – read it during your commute.

Debs Eden, PA mentor and speaker, Debs Eden & Associates