
The mammoth task of planning your next corporate trip – Make it fun with Corporate Peaks

By Corporate Peaks

The return to business travel has bounced back with an exciting energy like never seen before and PAs, EAs and Office managers across the continent are being gifted with the almighty task of planning the 2022 trips! We know how daunting a task this is, especially with all the administrational changes that have come to be a part of travelling as we learn to live alongside Covid. Never has using an agent for your M.I.C.E travel needs (Meetings, Incentives. Conferences & events) been more important and we are so excited to be here to help deliver your next experience.

At Corporate Peaks, we believe that breaking down formal barriers and re-connecting with one another is imperative to outstanding business relationships; no matter the business objectives of your trips. We are a business that believes in creating unique experiences, adding a whole lot of fun and chasing adventure, TOGETHER! So, if you want to join in the fun and deliver something extraordinary for 2022 then get in touch.

Making your trip is easy with our consultants, we have lived all over the world and are dedicated to each brand that we work with. For us itโ€™s about getting to know one another and understanding your business ethos and needs. We would love to chat a little bit more and see if we are the right fit for one another! Either email us to plan around your busy schedule or call us directlyโ€ฆ 2022 is on its way, donโ€™t miss out! for all inbound enquiries and conversations.

(+44) 0208 0048 675 |ย @corporatepeaks |ย