
Today’s generation of women suffering work stress epidemic

Women’s place in the workplace has transformed over the last 50 years – as the saying goes – with great power comes great responsibility. Exceling at work can therefore result in piling the pressure on at home, which in turn can lead to significant stress.


Middle-aged women are two thirds more likely to suffer work stress than male colleagues according to an article by John Bingham for The Telegraph.

The pressure to juggle children, careers and caring for elderly parents is driving soaring levels of workplace stress among middle-aged professional women.

Speaking to Bingham, Dr Judith Mohring said official figures showing a spike in cases of workplace stress among women in their 30s and 40s underlined the pressures on the ‘do-it-all’ generation of women.

This follows official figures showing middle aged women in Britain are almost 70% more likely to suffer work-related stress.

The problem is becoming acute among those in their late 30s/early 40s in which cases have risen by almost a fifth in four years.

Recent figures published by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) show that women aged between 35-44 in Britain are 67% more likely to suffer work-related stress than men of the same age.

Cases of work-related stress among women in the age-group stands at 2,090 cases per 100,000 working women, compared with a rate of only 1,250 for men of the same age.

Among women between 45 and 55 the rate is even higher, at 2,180 cases per 100,000 working women but has fallen slightly over the last four years, from 2,200 per 100,000.


Women have so many arenas in which they can compete: how we look, the work we produce… In the City, 60-plus hours a week are deemed normal for many – meaning people are obviously too tired to enjoy life outside of work as a result. So, how best to try and beat such intense stress? Check in for Part 2’s Stress Beaters…

Read the full article here: