
Top tips for booking train tickets

If you?re booking multiple train tickets for your colleagues, did you know there are a number of ways to ensure you?re getting the best available ticket?

On average, you can save 38%* by booking train tickets in advance using a trainline business account, but that?s not all ? here?s five tools and tips to make arranging travel a lot easier:

1 For last-minute requests you can book online within 2 hours of travel and collect tickets from more than 1,700 stations.

2 If you have a regular journey to book you can sign up for ticket alerts. You?ll then be the first to know when advance tickets for your regular journeys go on sale.

3 Check the ticket type when booking to see if there are any restrictions on the journey ? look out for the terms ?anytime?, ?off-peak? and ?advance?.

4 Tell where you want to go and when and the best fare finder tool will give you the best available tickets for that journey.

5 Save your regular trips as favourite journeys to save time when booking tickets. You can also save your colleagues? seating preferences.

Using an online account can help you to manage all your train bookings in one place. It means you can easily check train times, book tickets, review journeys taken and match back travel expenses for multiple colleagues with ease.

Find out more about business account here.

*Average saving made by customers booking advance tickets on (including booking fee) versus booking on the day of travel. Advance fares are subject to availability and not available on every route.