
Trains explained

When booking and managing business travel for your colleagues, any tool that makes it quicker, easier and more manageable is a must. And any tool that can guide you to purchase the best available ticket for that day and route without an onerous search is even better.

By using an online booking tool you can manage all of your rail purchases in one place. You can book tickets, review journeys taken, request reports and match back travel expenses for multiple colleagues with ease.

Plus, if youโ€™re using a Trainline Business Account, you can check all available train times and routes and find out where there is limited availability on tickets. The best available fares will be highlighted on every search to help you decide which journey is most suitable. Itโ€™ll also detail any restrictions on the tickets youโ€™re purchasing.

Itโ€™s simple to manage whether you book five or 50 train journeys a week. Whatโ€™s more, ticket collection is easy whether you prefer to get tickets delivered to your office or your colleagues pick them up at the station.

Book smarter train journeys with Trainline. You can set up an account and start booking tickets within five minutes.

Find out more about the Trainline business account HERE.