
Travel Counsellors Achieves IATA Level 3 NDC Certification

Independent travel agency, Travel Counsellors, which offers a personalised travel service to businesses of all sizes, has announced that it has been granted NDC Certification Level 3 status under the NDC (New Distribution Capability) Certification Program, provided by the International Air Transport Association (IATA).

This status recognises that Travel Counsellors uses Offer and Order Management messages, which are compliant with NDC standards.

Kieran Hartwell, Managing Director for Corporate Travel at Travel Counsellors said: โ€œNDC accreditation shows that we are at the forefront of an ever-evolving air distribution strategy, as we work with our distribution partners to ensure that our customers have access to the latest fare content. After achieving this latest certification, we can now confidently say that when it comes to air travel, we are committed to using the most up to date distribution channels, further enhancing our client experience.โ€

This comes as the company, which supports over 800 corporate travel specialists in running their own business, continues to see an upturn in client travel. Matt Brown, Head of Sales and Service for Corporate Travel at Travel Counsellors offered: โ€œWe are delighted to report that since May 1st May, we have signed 92 new clients in the UK, and 154 new accounts across our global locations. Our data suggests that small and medium-sized enterprises will help drive the recovery of business travel, as they are agile and can quickly react to changing travel regulations, and, without travel, they could potentially miss out on sales opportunities and building client relationships.โ€

The company also reports that their latest corporate travel bookings point to construction, manufacturing and sports sectors showing the greatest recovery, with corporate business owners supporting essential workers to travel across the globe as the Covid-19 pandemic continues.
