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What’s the top British daydream?

Brits feel they need a break just 29 days after their last holiday

Where does the time go? For many, it’s lost in thought as Brits have been revealed to be spending hours each week daydreaming instead of working, according to new figures. Research commissioned by Casumo showed that we are losing around three hours a week to our thoughts as we dream the days away.

Despite looming deadlines or busy work spaces, we still manage to zone out for around 10 minutes at a time and we’ll often find our minds wandering once at home, choosing to dream instead of facing the onslaught of errands to run. One in five claimed it was down to boredom, but other factors include stress, tiredness and feeling overwhelmed.

“It can happen when you least expect it – during a long work meeting, while waiting for the kettle to boil or even in the middle of a conversation,” admitted Gregory Tatton-Brown from Casumo. “Sometimes everyday life can be a little less exciting than we’d like, so many Brits tend to switch off.”

Brits often find themselves pondering about plans for everything from evening plans to the zombie apocalypse, regularly considering what jobs need doing alongside philosophical existential concerns. A quarter of respondents confessed they like thinking about what they’d do if they won the lottery, and one in five will spend their day planning upcoming meals.

The most common time to slip into deep thought was around 2:41pm, after lunch but with plenty of the working day still lying ahead.

“it’s clear that many people find their lives are a little dull, which leads to them spending so much time daydreaming,” speculated Tatton-Brown. “Nearly a fifth tend to daydream when they’re feeling stressed or fed up, perhaps suggesting that people aren’t completely satisfied with their lot in life.”

Below are the 10 top British daydreams, but what do you find yourself dreaming about? Let us know on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn.

  1. Holidays
  2. Your to-do list
  3. About winning the lottery
  4. Your plans for the weekend
  5. Your plans for the evening such as what to have for dinner
  6. Food in general
  7. The state of the world
  8. Decorating your home
  9. What to have for lunch
  10. Shopping