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Working longer hours increases risk of stroke

The likely toll of long working hours is revealed in a major new study which shows that employees still at their desks into the evening run an increased risk of stroke โ€“ and the longer the hours they put in, the higher the risk.

The largest study conducted on the issue, carried out in three continents and led by scientists at University College London, found that those who work more than 55 hours a week have a 33% increased risk of stroke compared with those who work a 35- to 40-hour week. They also have a 13% increased risk of coronary heart disease.

The findings will confirm the assumptions of many that a long-hours culture, in which people work from early in the morning until well into the evening, with work also intruding into weekends, is potentially harmful to health.

The researchers, publishing their findings in the Lancet medical journal, say they cannot state categorically that long hours cause people to have strokes โ€“ but their study shows that there is a link, and it gets stronger as the hours people put in get longer.

โ€œSudden death from overwork is often caused by stroke and is believed to result from a repetitive triggering of the stress response,โ€ they write. โ€œBehavioural mechanisms, such as physical inactivity, might also link long working hours and stroke; a hypothesis supported by evidence of an increased risk of incident stroke in individuals who sit for long periods at work. Physical inactivity can increase the risk of stroke through various biological mechanisms and heavy alcohol consumption โ€“ a risk factor for all types of stroke โ€“ might be a contributing factor because employees working long hours seem to be slightly more prone to risky drinking than are those who work standard hours.โ€

For many people, cutting down on working hours would be difficult or impossible. Dr Tim Chico, reader in cardiovascular medicine at the University of Sheffield said, โ€œMost of us could reduce the amount of time we spend sitting down, increase our physical activity and improve our diet while working and this might be more important the more time we spend at work. We should all consider how the working environment could be altered to promote healthy behaviour that will reduce strokes, irrespective of how long we work.โ€

Read the full article reported on by Sarah Boseley for The Guardian, here: