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How likely are you to lose your job due to AI?

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PAs, EAs and other administrative and business support professionals are seeing some of their tasks replaced by AI and naturally fear for more to come. This doesn’t mean that the role is disappearing, rather it’s evolving to a more strategic one. It’s no surprise that searches for ‘Job loss due to AI’ have skyrocketed over […]

How could the EU’s AI Act impact your business?

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The AI Act is coming into force soon, and many businesses will need to develop their understanding of the types of applications that are prohibited, what the Act defines as ‘high-risk’ activity and what systems – if any – are exempt from the rules. An expert team of data protection specialists at DPO Centre have […]

AI travel scams to be mindful of

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Recent reports have revealed that 83% of people booked their holiday online in the last year, but with 6,640 reports of holiday booking-related fraud in 2023, it is vital consumers are aware of the potential dangers of booking holidays and flights online. With this in mind, the experts at AI prompt management tool AIPRM have […]

Key steps to perk up employees and maintain productivity

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When a business begins the year in recovery mode – having been challenged financially or in other ways – there may be a drop in employee morale and motivation. The need to perk up employees and maintain productivity becomes a priority. As PAs and managers with experience of crisis management, risk assessment or dousing flames […]

Can job candidates beat AI?

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The global talent shortage is still a reality for many companies and attracting the right candidates requires ingenuity. A consulting company devised an interactive challenge for potential employees that tests if job candidates can beat AI.   The skilled workforce shortage has been an ongoing issue for the last few years, especially in fields that […]

How to futureproof your Assistant profession during the rise of AI

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‘Generative AI’ has become a buzz term circling the assistant world. AI tools such as Chat GPT have become arguably ‘conventional’, with industry experts warning us of its disruptive force. According to World Economic Forum research, AI is projected to create around 97 million new jobs, countering workforce displacement concerns. So, why in the business […]

How can businesses prepare for AI cyberthreats

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As artificial intelligence (AI) rapidly becomes more widely used, people are questioning its benefits and dangers. One area where AI is having a huge impact is cybersecurity. So how can we prepare for AI cyberthreats.  Criminals are able to use AI technology to create new cyberattack methods which are harder to defend against. At the […]

New survey shows Gen Z and Millennials AI jobs fear – 61% say it will take much of their role

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In the first UK survey of its kind, strategic skills provider Corndel can today reveal the extent to which employees fear that Artificial Intelligence will take all or part of their job, with younger workers particularly worried. 61% of them believe that this new technology will take at least 25% of their role by 2023, […]

ChatGPT ban considered in UK organisations

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Two thirds (66%) of organisations in the UK are implementing or considering a ban on ChatGPT and other generative AI applications within the workplace, according to a survey of IT decision makers by software company Blackberry. Most (69%) of these bans are long term or permanent, with 78% concerned that unsecured AI apps pose a […]

The Impact of AI on PAs and EAs: Embracing a New Era

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What does the era of artificial intelligence mean for Assistants? We asked ChatGPT. Read on to find out what it thinks of the impact on AI on PAs is. As artificial intelligence (AI) tools like ChatGPT gain prominence, the role of PAs is undergoing significant changes. In this article, we explore how AI can enhance […]

The pros and cons of AI & how we must stay human

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AI is going to impact your life significantly and soon. ChatGPT is just one recent manifestation which has ignited a user take-up rate far exceeding expectations, with others in close pursuit. The World Economic Forum says a quarter of jobs will be impacted over just the next five years as a result of technology and […]

AI for admin tasks increasingly trusted by employees

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Admin tasks are increasingly being trusted to AI as employees feel more comfortable and trust the technology. Most (70%) employees would delegate as much work as possible to AI according Microsoft’s global 2023 Work Trend Index Annual Report. There are 33 times as many LinkedIn posts mentioning generative AI and GPT than there were a year ago, […]

5 changes impacting business travel and how to prepare

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Kevin Harrison, Managing Director, Good Travel Management looks at some of the biggest changes impacting business travel now and how to prepare for these challenges in the months ahead. 1. The new digital ID A new digital ID mobile-phone app was recently proposed, as pandemic travel revealed how technologically behind the UK is compared to […]

AI electrifies Lightning online booking for CTM travel management

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Online booking experience for Lightning users gains simplicity and speed. Building trust with travelers will raise program adoption, supporting travel managers in their goals of delivering savings and duty of care. The launch of Lightning’s AI gives CTM the ability to intelligently recommend personalized options, even as different content types and options from suppliers exponentially […]

CIPD: AI and automation could increase job opportunities

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The use of artificial intelligence (AI) and automation will have a widespread but mixed impact on jobs, new CIPD research shows. Overall, the says the introduction of these new technologies at work will see job opportunities grow, by enhancing roles, employee skills and their pay. However, lack of thought and planning on how people and […]

How to future-proof customer experience for 2019

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If you want your business to rise above the rest in 2019, you need to provide the best possible customer service. In this article, we look at five ways you can take advantage of technology and innovation to boost your customer service. A study conducted this year by Accenture found that two-thirds of large companies […]

What is the future of the EA role?

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On Tuesday evening a group of PAs got together at an event held by Fyxer in central London to discuss a topic that all PAs have worried about recently; what is the future of the EA role, with the advancement of technologies such as artificial intelligence? Vincenzo Ferrara reviews what was discussed. The event held by […]

Automation: Is it taking the human out of HR?

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“Unfortunately robots capable of manufacturing robots do not exist. That would be the philosopher’s stone, the squaring of the circle.” Ernst Jünger, The Glass Bees (1957) ‘The Glass Bees’ is a brilliant story about a man, Captain Richard, struggling with feelings of alienation and fears of dehumanisation in a technologically advanced society. Not the first of […]