Posts Tagged :

air conditioning

Six in 10 want bosses to provide air conditioning when working from home

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A study of 2,000 adults found 44 per cent struggle to keep on top of their work when the mercury soars, with four in 10 moving rooms to try and find a cooler spot to work. A quarter of workers have even worked with the fridge or freezer door open in a bid to keep […]

You will spend 6 months of your life talking about the weather

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The average Brit spend will spend half a year of their life talking about the weather – Isn’t it time we found something more important to worry about? Well maybe not, given the existential threat of global warming. Either way, research revealed 84 per cent of the nation admitted to a love of discussing the […]

Too hot? Here are the definitive rules on office temperature

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There are few issues that divide the occupants of an office more than its temperature – but there are some quite clear rules on how it should be managed, as Pressac explains… As the mercury rises outside, so do the number of arguments about the air-conditioning, with someone always too hot or too cold. High […]

Can people make good decisions in your meeting rooms?

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Pack people into a meeting room and the longer the meeting lasts the higher the carbon dioxide (CO2) levels rise and the faster their cognitive ability declines – not just a little but some aspects by between 35 and 90%. That’s according to research from air con supplier Siemens, which concludes that meeting rooms are […]

The air in your office could be affecting your wellbeing

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Employers could increase worker performance by 20% simply by increasing the fresh air supply in offices and meeting rooms, according to a new report from Sharp. The new report, developed by Sharp and workplace psychologist Dr Nigel Oseland, highlights the importance of creating the right conditions for meetings in order to boost productivity. The report identifies […]

6 ways to stay cool in your office this summer

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Summer is bearing down upon us once again and with the famous unfamiliarity of British weather, a scorching heat wave could strike at any point. In your own home, it’s relatively easy to stay chilled – sit in front of a fan in shorts and t-shirt, of course – but in an office, where people […]

Colleagues blowing hot and cold – the big office temperature debate

  • Katy
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Have you ever felt unproductive at work because the temperature is just too hot for you to concentrate? Ever wrapped up in extra layers to keep warm whilst your colleagues complain they’re too hot? Then it sounds like you’ve been at the centre of the office temperature debate. Flexible office specialist Workthere has conducted research into the age-old office temperature debate. According to this research, […]

Air con off… windows open.. air con on… windows shut. The joy of office temperature control

  • Katy
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With the weather doing crazy things over the past couple of weeks, here’s a timely report – and some findings that will resonate with any office worker, and particularly those in office management roles… … according to research, nine out of ten UK office workers lose productivity due to being too hot or cold. And, apparently, ‘office […]

Is the office too hot to handle?

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Two in five employees have had a bust-up with a colleague over the temperature in their office, as it gets a little too hot for some to handle. The UK’s changeable summer climate has caused tensions to rise in the workforce, with 42 per cent of office workers admitting they have fallen out with a […]


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With the temperature nearing 30C this week, if you’re feeling ‘trapped’ in the office, you’re not alone. More than half of UK workers admit to feeling glum being stuck indoors during the heatwave with a third feeling trapped inside. One in four would rather be out making the most of the weather rather than stuck […]