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buzz bingo

These are the ‘little wins’ that get us through the week

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A study of 2,000 adults has revealed the signs that things are going your way – including getting an unexpected pay rise and arriving late for a train, but discovering it’s been delayed. Other ‘punch the air moments’ include having a good hair day, enjoying sunshine on your day off, and discovering an old item […]

The top 50 signs you’re winning at life

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A study of 2,000 adults revealed the indicators things are going your way – including parallel parking on the first attempt and no one sitting in front of you at the cinema. Other ‘punch the air moments’ include having a good hair day, enjoying sunshine on your day off, and discovering an old item of […]

Need some help? Here are the nation’s top 30 lucky charms

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A poll of 2,000 adults found 42 per cent own an item which they believe brings them good fortune. Other belongings include keyrings, and pictures of a loved one, along with socks, shoes and even chairs. Tattoos are considered to be lucky by some too, as are teddy bears, four-leaf clovers, and receptacles such as glasses, […]