Posts Tagged :

employee motivation

ATTENTION ALL PA’s! This is your last call to organise your digital advent calendar. The ultimate Christmas party alternative! 

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‘Tis the season to show your gratitude with Viva Esprit’s DIGITAL ADVENT CALENDAR employee reward & recognition programme! Are you looking for an alternative to your company Christmas party this year, but don’t want to spend another evening on Zoom? Look no further, Viva Esprit have got the ultimate digital alternative to the traditional corporate […]

How to motivate yourself to get back to work in January

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Going back to work in January is for most people, the least motivated you’ll feel all year, due to the early sunsets and dragging ourselves out of bed after enjoying a week of lie-ins. Vincenzo Ferrara shares some helpful hints below to give you the best advice that should help you feel more awake and motivated […]

Employee motivation is declining, says new research

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New research says employee motivation levels are on the decline with 29% saying they aren’t motivated. A new research report, “Living to Work”, has shown employee motivation levels are on the decline. 29% of employees surveyed said they were not motivated at work in 2017 compared to just 18% who said the same in 2016. […]