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‘Equity’ is the most misunderstood financial term

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New reports show that UK inflation decreased to 4% in December 2023. It’s good news, but what does it really mean in the context of the current financial climate? Many people still find financial jargon confusing and intimidating. With this in mind, City Index used Ahrefs, a search analytics tool, to find the top 50 […]

These are the sectors that are embracing hybrid working

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Property specialist Cluttons has found that office demand will subsequently decrease in the short to medium term. However, some industries should think twice before shedding city centre office space post pandemic. With one-third of workplace activities in the UK carried out remotely without any loss of activity, there will be an increase in hybrid and home […]

Only 57% of employees always check their payslips

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Millions of UK workers may be at risk of being underpaid or overtaxed because they don’t regularly check their payslips, according to the results of a new survey. Polling over 1,000 people, HR and payroll software provider CIPHR found that nearly a quarter (22%) don’t regularly check their payslips, despite their importance for keeping track […]

Feeling overwhelmed by your finances? You’re not alone

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A study of 2,000 adults found 43 per cent feel swamped by the choices they have to make about money. As a result, 53 per cent have avoided making certain decisions altogether as they couldn’t face it. But this head-in-the-sand approach left them feeling stressed (54 per cent), nervous (40 per cent), and upset 32 […]

A quarter of employers do not financially support long-term absent employees

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A quarter of employers do not financially support their employees when they are long-term absent from work according to research from GRiD, the industry body for the group risk protection sector. For most employees, remuneration is the primary reason they work, and GRiD believes that it’s important for employers to consider how they can financially […]

Only 41% of workers think they’re paid ‘what they are worth’

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A new survey by HR software provider CIPHR suggests that most people don’t believe they’re being paid what they think ‘they are worth’ to do their current jobs. And, perhaps unsurprisingly, the longer it’s been since they last received a pay rise – then the more inclined they are to feel this way. CIPHR polled […]

UK lagging behind Europe for pension provision

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Retirees have put in decades of time and effort as part of their working life to prepare for retirement, counting on their pension to help maintain a comfortable future. However, the quality of state pensions varies drastically based on where you live – But which countries around the world have the best systems? Blacktower Financial […]

7 ways to save £126 a month when you go back to the office

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Looking forward to returning to the office and commuting, or dreading it? Either way, the folks at personal finance experts, Ocean Finance have shared seven ways to cut down costs at work:- Ditch takeaway coffees and save £410 per year The average coffee costs £2.63 so should you have one three days per week, this […]

Is leasing everything risky for my business?

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In today’s world, we are leasing assets a lot more regularly. According to Dataforce, Europeans are leasing and renting cars more than ever before, including both short-term and operational leasing. Over the last five years, the leasing market skyrocketed from 2.6 million to four million due to the culture of ownership evolving. According to Head […]

68% of employers are considering pay cuts for remote workers

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More than two-thirds (68%) of British businesses are contemplating pay cuts for staff who opt to work from home, despite many (53%) saying they’ve actually saved money by having more remote workers. CIPHR polled 150 business owners, CEOs, and senior managers to find out more about employers’ attitudes towards staff working from home. All survey respondents work […]

84% think covid-19 has affected employee retirement plans

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A recent poll conducted by WEALTH at work found that 84% of respondents think employees have changed their retirement plans in light of the pandemic. Jonathan Watts-Lay, Director, WEALTH at work, said: “The pandemic has affected nearly all of us and not least those employees who are approaching retirement. It therefore comes as no surprise that […]

Forex trading: Terms you need to know

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When it comes to foreign exchange trading, it’s pretty essential to make sure that you’ve got a good grasp of the terms involved. However, it’s easier said than done: often, the terms seem confusing and even alien to those who don’t know what they’re looking for. It would take a whole dictionary to explain in […]

Thinking about retirement? Make sure you have the facts!

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According to a new survey the majority of workers in the UK aren’t aware of how much money they need to be able to retire comfortably. A survey of more than 1,200 people by chartered financial planners True Bearing revealed that 83% of workers, including full-time, part-time and self-employed, don’t know what size pension pot […]

What new skills will PAs need in 2021 and beyond?

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By Roddy Adair, Director of Hays Personal & Executive Assistants 2020 was quite a year and one in which we saw huge changes to our world of work. We set out to understand how PAs and EAs were affected by the consequences of the pandemic and what lies ahead in 2021. Highlighting themes of skills, […]

Industries where technology has changed the game

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Technology is the driving force behind many significant milestones, with some operations and services simply not being possible without it. Some industries appear to have benefited from technology more than others, so what are these sectors? Here are the top five sectors where technology has become a game-changer: Food Delivery Food deliveries used to be […]

The average adult will cough up nearly £1million in bills over their lifetime

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The average adult will cough up nearly £1million in bills over their lifetime – and now spends more on tech than they do on utilities, a study has found. O2 research polling 2,000 UK adults found they will personally spend a total of £926,720 on gas, electricity, water, their phone and other bills. An average […]

If you’re not on top of your finances right now, you’re not alone

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One in five cash-strapped adults have no idea how much debt they’re in – and they don’t want to know either. A poll of 2,000 adults found 17 per cent would rather not find out the exact figure they owe, and 21 per cent don’t want to worry about something they feel they can’t do […]

6 signs you’re ready for a pay rise

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Everyone wants to get paid more for their job, but whether or not you deserve to get paid more is what you really need to think about. Every manager out there will have heard “I need a raise”, so you can’t blame them for being sceptical. So before you even book that meeting with your manager, […]

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