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Posts Tagged :

Google Assistant

App to date

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There are thousands of apps added to smartphone app stores every day. Sometimes it can be tricky to keep on top of which apps we need in our phones and which are just a waste of space? Vincenzo Ferrara, PA Life staff writer, has been searching through the app stores to create a comprehensive list […]

What is the future of the EA role?

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On Tuesday evening a group of PAs got together at an event held by Fyxer in central London to discuss a topic that all PAs have worried about recently; what is the future of the EA role, with the advancement of technologies such as artificial intelligence? Vincenzo Ferrara reviews what was discussed. The event held by […]

App of the week: Google Assistant

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Why Google Assistant?  The Google ecosystem is growing faster than any other tech company. With a range of smart devices filling both the home and the office, it’s becoming harder and harder to go through a working day without relying on something from the tech company. Google Assistant is the latest app from the tech giant […]