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Posts Tagged :

green office

PA PROJECTS: The green office

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Continuing our series of features looking at the tasks and projects that PAs are tackling, Karen Crowley, PA to the Managing Partner at construction specialist Baily Garner, discusses creating a more environmentally-friendly workplace… Unless you’ve been on a desert island in the middle of nowhere (which is where I would like to be…) you would […]

Go green for good

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Sustainability is a hot topic for today’s businesses, with governments all over the world putting strict guidelines into place. Chelsea Langston-Lloyd explains how PAs and office managers can go green with some simple changes We are all busy in our day jobs and thinking about being sustainable in the workplace isn’t really at the forefront […]

How to pick the perfect desk plant

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Looking to add a splash of colour to your desk with a live plant? There’s a lot more to picking the right one and keeping it alive than most would believe. Here are some brilliant tips for maintaining a green thumb when it comes to a desk plant from Mashable’s Laura Vitto. Consider your office […]

5 ways to boost productivity with your office environment

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Research shows that the right office environment can inspire people and motivate them to work harder and smarter. Business news site AllTopStartUps recently worked with Belle Skylights to produce a list of the top five ways to boost staff productivity by making a few simple changes at the office. 1 Natural light Vitamin D deficiency […]

The future of solar power: what this may mean for small businesses

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While less than 2% of the world’s electricity is currently generated through solar photovoltaic technology, a recent report estimated that this figure could increase to as much as 13% by the year 2030. Phil Foster, Managing Director of Love Energy Savings shares his thoughts on the future of solar power and what this may mean for […]

Half of UK companies still using paper to produce board packs

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Research with UK-based company secretaries has revealed an astonishing reliance on paper at board level, with around half of organisations (48%) still using paper to produce board packs for board-level meetings. The research, conducted by technology firm eShare, revealed that the average board pack contained 96.7 pages, and with the average company having 8.1 directors on […]

Offices ‘could do more’ to improve corporate social responsibility, says Office Coffee Company

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The latest ‘how green is your office’ survey from the Office Coffee Company reveals there’s still a lot more work to do to improve corporate social responsibility (CSR). More than 65% of respondents cited their office ‘could do more’ to be environmentally friendly. Only 27% claimed to be ‘doing everything’ they could to improve CSR. Almost 8% said […]

8 steps to greener meetings

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To celebrate Avery Green Office Week Maxine Reynolds, Green Champion for the venue at BMA House, shares her eight steps to greener meetings for summer. Go digital One of the simplest things you can do is remove the need for paper by doing everything digitally – this is 2016 after all! Distribute materials electronically and use […]

Energy efficiency tips to cut bills in the workplace

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No matter what type of business you work for, it’s important to make every penny count to ensure your business is on the road to success. There are many costs that are unavoidable for all businesses – energy being one of them. Unfortunately it can also be the one that accounts for the biggest outgoing […]

Paper use decreases in half of all businesses

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Around half of organisations (49%) are decreasing their paper consumption, according to new research, despite just 22% of businesses having an environmental policy to reduce paper use. While 20% of respondents in the AIIM study ‘Paper-Free Progress: measuring outcomes’ say that consumption of paper is increasing in their organisation, the 2015 net of 29% compares favourably with 23% net […]