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Employers still struggling with post-Brexit Immigration rules – Study

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Less than a third of employers are comfortable with the new UK immigration rules post-Brexit, according to recent research from background screening and identity services company Sterling. In an online poll, Sterling found that only 23% of UK businesses were comfortable with the new regulations, with over a third (35%) stating they weren’t comfortable at […]

Three in five employers report impending skills crisis

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As Brexit threatens the pipeline of skilled workers, employers are facing numerous recruitment challenges, but will your company be okay? In its latest Business Barometer, which monitors the skills landscape of the UK, The Open University found that three in five (61%) employers believe the skills shortage has worsened in the last year, and over half […]

Firms prioritise staff over Brexit preparations

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Businesses are more concerned about retaining and developing staff than the potential impact of Brexit, according to new research. Talent acquisition and management specialist Alexander Mann Solutions surveyed senior HR professionals, and discovered that almost a quarter of companies’ top priority was working out how to retain top staff, compared to 9% of firms focussing […]