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Top tips on handling inappropriate interview questions

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Job interviews are often intense and gruelling processes, where candidates face multiple tough questions to determine their suitability for any given role. However, there are lines of questioning that are, in fact, unsuitable and Jon Watkins, Director of Employability at The University of Law Business School has looked in detail at what you shouldn’t be asked in an interview setting. Questions about […]

Top Tips: How to avoid interview ‘stage fright’

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In response to Covid-19, the swift adaptation by many companies from office to remote working, in most cases overnight, has been admirable. Yet pursuing a new role can be a stressful time for many people, even without the added components of a global pandemic and economic uncertainty. The pressure of interviews, be they face-to-face or […]

Meet Story Events’ #StoryGivesBack event suppliers

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Story Events returns next year with its London Summer Event Show, where a string of new event suppliers will be taking to the show floor as part of the #StoryGivesBack initiative. Below, we meet some of these innovative new suppliers. As an EA/PA, you most definitely have the business looking to you for the most […]

Top 10 tips to ace your next job interview

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Job interviews are an often daunting experience, but with the right planning and preparation they can be turned into a much smoother process, helping allay any nerves along the way. Workplace experts has compiled a list of the top 10 things to help university graduates and jobseekers ace any interview and help land that dream […]

Six clichés to avoid on your CV

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There are certain buzzwords and turns of phrase that have recruiters everywhere grinding their teeth. Remember, these people have to sift through hundreds of CVs and cover letters before narrowing things down to a handful of applicants, so they tend to read the same tired old clichés over and over. Claiming to be a ‘team […]

What does your social media say about you?

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How employable do you act online? For many, our digital lives are relaxed, casual, and shared among close friends, but how often do you think about who else is watching? New research from totaljobs has revealed that many of us don’t even consider our social media profiles when applying for a new job. Around one […]