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Q&A with Alicia Fairclough EA at Truphone

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Alicia Fairclough is EA to the CEO at Truphoneย and the Founder of the EA How To community initiative. She talks to PA Life about navigating the pandemic, working from home and pink gin… Tell us how you got to your current position at Truphone. I got my current role through a fantastic London recruiter, Morgan […]

The top five regrets of the dying

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By Andrew Jardine, General Manager of the Institute of Administrative Management (IAM). The magical John Hotowka is speaking at an IAM event in Liverpool in February and the subject of Achievement Thinking reminded me of a thought-provoking, if somewhat morbid, book from a few years ago. Bronnie Ware is an Australian nurse who spent several years working in palliative […]

Donโ€™t let workplace bullies control your life

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It really can be a difficult problem for HR to separate what one person considers banter and another sees as bullying. In the modern workplace, the lines arenโ€™t as black and white as they once were. With many people seeing the problem layered in context rather than being nasty on purpose. However, bullying can ruin […]

Employee motivation is declining, says new research

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New research says employee motivation levels are on the decline with 29% saying they arenโ€™t motivated. A new research report, โ€œLiving to Workโ€, has shown employee motivation levels are on the decline. 29% of employees surveyed said they were not motivated at work in 2017 compared to just 18% who said the same in 2016. […]