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How many people do you offend each day?

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A poll of 2,000 adults found a whopping 83 per cent regularly avoid expressing opinions or sharing personal revelations. These include “I don’t want to see any more pictures of your dog”, “eat with your mouth closed”, and “why haven’t you messaged me back?” But despite their reluctance to share their inner thoughts, 57 per […]

Brits would be £25,397 better off each year if salaries increased at the same levels as inflation since 1987

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Savoo has delved into historical data covering the last 35 years to find out how disposable income has evolved compared with the cost of living and inflation rates, to show if we really are better or worse off. Whether it’s spending money on the big food shop or treating yourself to a cinema trip, disposable […]

Three quarters of Brits are willing to rely on gut instinct when making big life decisions

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A study of 2,000 adults found they might have good reason for doing so as more often than not – six times out of 10 – this method has proved successful. Many of those polled have used their gut to decide things such as what gifts to buy for loved ones (25 per cent), where […]

The top 50 things that drive us mad

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A study of 2,000 adults revealed our top triggers for rage include BMW drivers ignoring their indicators, getting locked out, ‘jobsworths’, having no heating, people eating loudly and queue jumpers. For four in 10, ‘people who think rules don’t apply to them’ will send their blood pressure rising, and 27 per cent get irked by drivers […]

What’s your favourite brew? Bet it’s a latte…

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Typically containing a single shot of coffee, steamed milk, and a frothy top, researchers polled 2,000 coffee drinkers and found 38 per cent like this variety the most. At the other end of the scale, 14 per cent consider an espresso to be their favourite type of coffee, while a quarter are more ‘middle of the road’ and opt for a ‘straightforward’ flat white. But regardless of what form it takes, 65 per cent […]

We need to spend more time with our families, says research

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A study of 2,000 adults revealed 63 per cent wish they spent more time with their families – but admit life simply gets in the way. A third ranked a traditional roast dinner as their favourite way to enjoy precious family time together, followed by dog walking and watching a film. While 78 per cent […]

Summer holidays pushes 4 in 5 parents to plan return to the office

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Parents are most keen to return to office (81% vs 66% without kids at home) – too many distractions, lack of social interaction with colleagues/people their age and a bad work-life balance were cited as key reasons. Working 9 to 5 is a tempting prospect for many parents, as new research from Hitachi Capital Business […]

Which industry’s employees are spending the most on dating?

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New research by has revealed that, on average, daters in the UK are spending £2,220 a year (£185 per month) on their hunt for the one. With dating and romance back on the cards, spending on love can resume once again. However, with this much money being spent, how are daters funding their romantic […]

54% of UK adults use alcohol to de-stress after work

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More than half of UK workers use alcohol to de-stress after a hard day or week, whilst 62% confess to using alcohol as a reward for work success and achievements. The team at conducted research to determine which professions rely the most on alcohol to de-stress at the end of the day; as well […]

Study shines light on UK attitudes to employee benefits

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Wetones asked employees at 133 workplaces across the UK how their health and wellbeing needs and habits have changed, and whether updated benefits packages from their employers would help to support their wellbeing. What they discovered highlighted a gap between company benefit schemes and employee lifestyles. So how can companies get up to date with […]

Screens leaving Brits struggling to keep their eyes open by 6pm

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Brits are struggling to keep their eyes open by 6pm – after staring at a variety of screens all day. Research into the impact of screen time on eyes revealed the average person looks at a gadget, TV or monitor for more than six hours a day. From scrolling through phones, to working at screens […]

‘Staffing exodus’ from London as remote working lifestyle takes hold

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Employers have been urged to be aware of a talent exodus from London as insight reveals an increased desire from highly skilled people to move to less metropolitan locations in a remote working environment. In an analysis of where cities are losing and gaining talent, Guidant Global discovered that the capital is losing more highly […]

Two-thirds of mothers have stopped working or work less due to pandemic

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New research reveals that nearly two-thirds of working mothers have either stopped working (40%) or reduced their hours (19%) since the start of the pandemic. TopCV surveyed 1,017 UK professionals to find out how the pandemic had affected their roles as workers and parents. Of the working mothers who were no longer working, almost a third […]

Mental health and wellbeing driving the return to the workplace

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The majority (52%) of workers are looking forward to returning to the office for mental health and wellbeing reasons, rising to almost two thirds (64%) amongst 18-34 year olds. That’s according to research by workspace plant specialist Ambius, which concludes that the appeal of working from home could be waning amongst office workers. While physical […]

The Lensbury Launches Online Fitness Platform

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The Lensbury Club has launched a virtual fitness platform to provide its members with live and on-demand classes and workouts at home. The four-star resort located in Teddington, South West London, has unveiled ‘The Lensbury at Home’ to encourage both its members and the local business community to stay safe, well and active throughout the […]

How many of these habits have you picked up while WFH?

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Brits are creatures of habit and have picked up at least five new rituals as a result of being home more than usual. A study of 2,000 adults revealed that more than a third have picked up good habits during lockdown – Although one in six confessed to developing some new bad habits along the way […]

Women from Brighton are the most body confident in the UK

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A nationwide study found almost a third (30 percent) of female residents of the East Sussex city – birthplace of Katie Price and Holly Willoughby – say they love their natural looks and would not change a thing. Women from Leicester came in second place in the confidence stakes, where more than a quarter feel […]

COVID-19: Half of adults determined to change the way they live

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Half of adults are determined to change the way they live as a consequence of Covid-19 – by developing closer bonds with neighbours, supporting small businesses and giving to those less fortunate. A study of 2,000 Brits found 56 per cent are re-evaluating everything about their lives, with 47 per cent consciously choosing to value […]

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