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Posts Tagged :

maternity pay

Economic downturn hits new mothers harder

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Maternity leave looks set to become even more financially challenging for British women. British women only typically receive 47% of the minimum wage while on maternity leave. Yet with UK inflation hitting a 40 year high of 9%, the real-world spending power of women on maternity leave is reducing dramatically. The British Chambers of Commerce […]

Childcare costs soar as the gap to maternity pay widens

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The UK’s childcare costs are the highest in the developed world, and rising well above the rate of maternity pay which has gone down in real terms over the last 12 years. Research from the Trades Union Congress (TUC) found childcare costs have risen by £2,200 each year since 2010, coinciding with the Conservative party […]

One in five younger UK workers have quit their job due to poor parental leave support

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One-in-five (18%) 18–34-year-olds has quit their job due to poor parental leave policies, with a further 25% of younger workers saying they decided not to apply for a job because they thought the employer’s parental leave policies were inadequate. The findings are part of a study – ‘Lost Connections: Supporting parents and caregivers in the workplace’ – commissioned by Vodafone, which argues […]

Which country has the best maternity leave policy?

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Women make up nearly half of the total labour force in several countries and spend nearly twice as much time on unpaid labour (like childcare and housework) than their male counterparts. The trend towards longer parental leave is helping to address this inequality, but it’s worth noting that maternity leave still varies widely from country to country. […]