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Women’s health struggles in the workplace still under the radar

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Women in work are struggling in silence. Vicky Walker, Group Director of People at Westfield Health reveals why women’s health in the workplace isn’t talked about more. Women across the country are opening up about their struggles with debilitating pelvic pain and general discomfort due to conditions such as endometriosis, adenomyosis and menopause. Many of these women have […]

Menopause leave pilots rejected by ministers

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The Fourth Special Report – Menopause and the workplace: Government Response to the Committee’s First Report of Session 2022–2023, was published on 24 January. In the report, ministers have rejected a proposal from the Women and Equalities Committee to introduce ‘Menopause Leave’ pilots to support those going through menopause. Many women need to however take […]

Menopause In The Workplace: Everything you need to know

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With the conversation around menopause and the workplace becoming a focal point in recent months, workplace discrimination and employment law solicitors Beecham Peacock reveal the current status of employment rights relating to menopause and how these might change in the future… Key findings: Despite 1 in 10 women in the UK who worked during the […]

Menopause and brain fog – how to regain you mind

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Menopause and brain fog – expert advice on how to alleviate symptoms and regain you mind. You might have watched the new Channel 4 documentary presented by Davina McCall titled ‘Sex, Mind and the Menopause’. The programme explored the affects of menopause on the mind, symptoms that are experiences by many women, yet often less […]

Google search data on menopause shows need for employer support

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Digital health platform Peppy has analysed Google search data to determine the most frequently Googled queries relating to menopause and the workplace during 2021. The findings reflect that employees are looking for support, and this presents an opportunity for employers to offer it. The most frequently searched-for term relating to menopause and work is ‘menopause […]

Quarter of employers claim pandemic has made it harder to support staff with menopause 

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Over a quarter of employers (28%) say that the pandemic has made it harder to know which employees might need menopause support, according to research from Peppy. Twenty-one per cent of employers also stated that with increased numbers of staff still working from home and flexible working arrangements in place, they now have less ability to track when or why people […]

Research suggests that men need menopause workplace support too…

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Almost three quarters (74%) of HR leaders believe that all male employees should be encouraged to better understand menopause to support their menopausal colleagues according to new research from Peppy, the digital health platform. Menopause is not just an issue for certain individuals, its impact can be felt right across an organisation: low mood, poor concentration, […]

Expert tips on supporting women and menopause in the workplace

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With menopause affecting most women aged between 45-55, the importance of supporting employees experiencing symptoms in the workplace is paramount. With reports across the country highlighting the experiences some women are having when experiencing menopause (which include having to leave jobs, or take unpaid leave), online medical advice service, Healthily, has introduced a policy to help […]

Quarter of employers think they are not affected by menopause issues

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A quarter (26%) of employers think they are not affected by menopause issues according to research from Peppy, the B2B digital health and wellness platform. The research reveals that companies believe their organisation is not affected by any employee menopause-related health condition or have any employees who have gone through the menopause. Dr. Mridula Pore, CEO of Peppy said: […]

Tips for businesses on how to support women experiencing menopause

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With menopause affecting most women aged between 45-55, the importance of supporting employees experiencing symptoms in the workplace is paramount. With reports across the country highlighting the experiences some women are having when experiencing menopause (which include having to leave jobs, or take unpaid leave), online medical advice service, Healthily, has introduced a policy to […]

Lack of menopause support is failing women in the workplace

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Millions of women are at risk of disciplinary action and failed promotions due to a lack of understanding and support around the menopause from their employer. According to new research from not-for-profit healthcare provider, Benenden Health, only a fifth of employees (19%) are aware of any kind of awareness or available support at work for when they suffer […]

WORLD MENOPAUSE DAY: How to support staff and colleagues

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Menopause is becoming a more frequent topic of conversation in the workplace as part of wellbeing strategies and also under diversity, equity and inclusion policies. With some high-profile celebrities raising the issues, society is beginning to recognise the need for more open conversations surrounding the menopause, and employers are increasingly expected to have policies in […]

WORLD MENOPAUSE DAY: Businesses not offering support to employees

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Over half (54%) of UK businesses do not currently have any dedicated menopause support in place within their organisation, such as practical or emotional support for employees to help them manage their symptoms and quality of life. However, research from Peppy, the B2B digital health and wellness platform, also revealed that menopause support is gaining momentum: an […]

Over half of UK businesses not offering menopause support for employees

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54% of UK businesses do not currently have any dedicated menopause support in place within their organisation, such as practical or emotional support for employees to help them manage their symptoms and quality of life. However, research from Peppy also revealed that menopause support is gaining momentum: an additional 21% of employers plan to provide support […]

Menopause resources launched to empower companies to support staff

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Peppy, the B2B digital health and wellness platform, has launched a menopause resources pack to empower companies to help their employees when they need the most support. Directed at employers, it includes expert guidance on the menopause, the impact on employees and organisations, and how to help staff. Mridula Pore, CEO of Peppy, said: “Many companies really […]

Menopause during lockdown

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Millions of women are experiencing increased anxiety and sleeplessness as they go through the menopause during lockdown. According to a new report, an estimated 13million women are currently peri – or menopausal in the UK – equivalent to one third of the female population. But new research has revealed that seven in ten women over the […]

Santander UK Partners with Peppy to Provide Personalised Menopause Support to its Employees

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Health benefits platform Peppy has announced its menopause service is being introduced to employees across Santander UK as part of the bank’s wider programme of support for employees across the organisation. The bank is the first major employer in the UK to make Peppy’s personalised menopausal support available to employees going through menopause across its […]

How To: Support your menopausal employees

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By Jessica French, Learning and Development Manager at CABA Over the last few years we’ve seen a huge rise in the conversations around subjects which have traditionally been shunned by the mainstream media. The stigma towards mental health and even sexual harassment has been tackled, however, one subject still remains taboo: the menopause. Employment of women […]

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