Posts Tagged :

office romance

The best office romance stories from Christmas parties to bathroom mishaps

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UK office workers share their romance tales as part of a nationwide competition to find the best office romance stories. It’s incredible to learn that over half of employees have engaged in a romantic relationship at work. When we think of the workplace, romance is not usually the first thing that comes to mind but […]

Almost half of office workers have had a workplace romance – and a fifth of them are still together

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More than one in five office staff have had three or more flings with people they work with on a day-to-day basis. But on average, office romances last for just over 10 months before coming to an end. Most people get passionate with someone on the same rung of the career ladder as themselves, but […]

24% of 25-34 year-olds have been involved in an office romance

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Recent research into changing attitudes towards office romance has revealed that nearly a quarter (24%) of people aged 25-34 have had a long-term relationship with a colleague – this is compared to just 12% of over 65s.   As well as relationships, sex between colleagues is becoming more common. 29% of 25-34-year-olds said they have had a one-night stand with someone at work, with just 12% […]

It’s official: UK workplaces are a breeding ground for love

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Engineers, Builders and Bankers are the industries most likely to meet a romantic partner in the workplace, according to new research. The survey of 1,000 UK workers by Adzuna reveals the industries and regions with a taste for romance at work. Workers within Engineering & Construction top the list for mixing work and pleasure, with […]

When romance blossoms at work: how employers can prevent problems

  • Katy
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Should there be rules on personal relationships at work? Meeting one’s significant other at work is one of the most common ways for individuals to find love. This Valentine’s Day, XpertHR looks at five ways employers can prevent problems arising when romance blossoms in the workplace. Have rules on personal relationships at work Many employers […]

Offices a ‘breeding ground for romance’

  • Katy
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Over a quarter of working Brits have met their partner at work. Forget Tinder, PoF and other dating apps – apparently workplaces are a ‘breeding ground’ for romance, with two thirds of Brits having been romantically involved with a colleague – and over a quarter having met their current partner at work. But before we […]

More than half of affairs start at the office

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With more than a third of our life spent in the workplace, we often spend more time with our colleagues than we do our own partners at home and it is inevitable that relationships can grow increasingly intimate. With such closeness, the workplace has become the number one place for affairs to take place. […]

3 ways office romances benefit employers

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On Valentine’s Day, it’s safe to assume that love is in the air – even at work. While office romances seem like a taboo subject and dangerous for business, there are actually a few important benefits for employers, according to BOSS Magazine. Here are three ways colleague courtship can actually help at work. 1 Employee […]