Posts Tagged :

older employees

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Top tips to support a multi-generational workforce

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Following the recent National Older Workers Week – which aims to help businesses manage multigenerational teams and eliminate ageism – Steve Butler, CEO, Punter Southall Aspire, recommends employers take a fresh approach to supporting older workersโ€ฆ Butler has published four books, includingย Manage the Gap: Achieving success with intergenerational teams, which looks at the impact of […]

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Millions of over-50s have experienced age discrimination at work

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New research by insurance expert SunLife shows millions of over-50s experience age discrimination in a number of places, including shops, their local GPโ€™s office and even work. Nearly four in 10 survey respondents said theyโ€™d experienced age discrimination since turning 50. Shockingly, 62% said they believe theyโ€™ve lost a job due to their age, while […]

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Older workers are wiser and think they’re more productive than Millennials

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A survey that compares the working habits of different age groups among 3000 office workers across Europe has thrown up some unexpected findings. Among them it suggests that with age not only comes wisdom, but also greater resilience to extra demands and higher levels of productivity than Millennials. The Wrike Digital Work Report, an independent […]

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It takes more than 8 years to become part of the furniture at work

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It takes the average employee eight years and four months before theyโ€™re seen as part of the furniture at work, it has emerged. A study carried out among 2000 employees found that only with almost a decade of job loyalty would you be considered a dependable presence within a company. A massive 78% believed being […]

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Helpful hints for job hunters over 50

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When you get to your 40s and 50s, itโ€™s likely you will have held a stable position at a company for years. But sometimes life throws you a curveball and you need to look for a new job. While youโ€™re highly employable and have all the experience in the world, the job market moves at […]

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Employers need to step up support for working carers

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With people living longer and fewer young people entering the labour market, Britainโ€™s employers are increasingly reliant on the skills and talents of older workers to boost productivity. However, the ageing population also means there will be an estimated nine million carers in the UK by 2037, many of whom will be trying to juggle […]

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A third of workers over 50 set to retire later

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A third of people aged over 50 who are employed in the private sector are now planning to retire later than they previously hoped, Avivaโ€™s latest Working Lives report reveals. The 2016 report โ€“ which comprises research among UK private sector employers and employees โ€“ has a particular focus on workers aged over 50, following […]