Posts Tagged :

pay gap

UK workers are still embarassed to discuss salaries

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Workers across the UK still feel uncomfortable to talk about their salaries in the workplace. The attitudes are so embedded in the British work culture that it doesn’t feel right to open up about salaries. Research from job site Glassdoor found only 25% of employees felt comfortable discussing their pay with their boss, while only […]

Equality: Women are losing out on company share schemes

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Women are losing out on company share schemes too. We all know about the pay gap women are racing to close but the overall wealth gap is still largely untackled.ย  An important source of income is out of reach for many female executives new findings reveal. Research by law firm Boodle Hatfield found that 69% […]

Research says women receive up to ยฃ20k less per men when working the same hours

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A new study has analysed the UKโ€™s working hours to find out which industries and cities put in the most hours per week. Using ONS ASHE data, UK payments specialist Merchant Machine also looked into pay to highlight whether the hours we put in is reflected in our pay. You can view the graphic here. […]

Almost one year on and the gender pay gap is wider than ever

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Depressingly, the gender pay gap is wider than ever, according to latest Financial Times research. Almost a year on since the implementation of businesses having to report their gender pay gap and four out of ten companies stating that the gap has increased. Why, when so much focus on businesses to improve gender equality has […]

Fat Cat Friday: Top execs have already earned an average worker’s wage

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Top bosses are earning more than 133 times than the average worker, a new report by CIPD has found. Itโ€™s only the first week of January and plenty of us are still feeling the sting on our bank balances following the expenses of Christmas and New Year, however there are a select few whose wallets […]

The gender pay gap is reducing

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It doesnโ€™t matter what industry you work in, the gender pay gap often sees men being paid more money for the same work compared with their female counterparts. However, with recent pressure on firms to disclose their gender-segregated wage-statistics, companies are being forced to identify their wrong-doings and change. Women are paid less for the […]

We have an equal gender pension age for the first time in 70 years

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New laws will see men and women receive their pension at the same age, but could this change in the law see women lose out and widen the gender pension gap? From 6 November 2018, for the first time in more than 70 years, men and women will receive their pension from the same age […]

PM could force companies to reveal ethnicity pay gaps

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Prime Minister Theresa May has launched a consultation around mandatory reporting as part of plans to help minorities in the workplace. UK companies may be forced to publish their ethnicity pay gaps under new government plans to uncover the extent of inequality that ethnic minorities face in the workplace. In a new consultation, launched by […]

Big business compelled to justify pay gaps

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Big businesses in the UK will be compelled to explain differences in pay between their chiefย executives and their average workers under new plans to be presented to parliament today by Business Secretary, Greg Clark. A new metric, known as the ‘pay ratio’, will be used to monitor the renumeration structures at companies with more than […]

Male workers are more likely to seek job progression, says research

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British men are more confident than women in furthering their career, new data has revealed. According to a report by job search engine, Adzuna, the career progression confidence gap between the genders widens with those who have more than 10 yearsโ€™ experience in the workplace, with men twice more likely than women to hold a […]

Companies are still paying men more

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Three quarters of businesses are still have a gender pay gap Although the gender pay gap is virtually extinct for freelance and self-employed workers, British businesses are still struggling to catch up, according to new government statistics. 74% of businesses with more than 250 employees were found to have a pay gap favouring men, with […]