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How office design can affect productivity and spark creativity

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Office spaces have a huge impact on both the productivity and creativity of employees. In fact, research has shown that the design and layout of the work environment are crucial in sparking inspiration and this translates into quality of work. So, the experts at PPL PRS have simply explained how to utilise office design to […]

4 reasons to crank up the tunes while you’re working

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Since the start of the pandemic, over 11.2 million jobs have been furloughed. Moreover, the proportion of people working from home more than doubled in 2020. However, retail and hospitality spaces have opened their doors once more while offices are buzzing again. But after months off or remote working, many employees may need help getting back into the […]

How can music affect your mood and reduce stress?

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Did you know that listening to music has both a mental and physical impact on your body? While most of us listen to music for entertainment, we should also know that it can help boost your overall wellbeing. From reducing stress and improving cognitive performance, to encouraging and inspiring creativity, the power of music is […]

How to achieve ‘deep focus’ and boost your productivity

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Dazed, delirious and distracted. Does that sound like you? Do you ever get to 3pm and wonder where the day has gone and why there aren’t more things crossed off your to-do list? Don’t worry, everyone feels like that sometimes. But, according to the experts at music licensing company PPL PRS, there are some very simple things […]

Post-lockdown office conundrum: Is it professional to wear headphones at work?

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For many, wearing headphones at work can be helpful, but for some it’s seen as unprofessional, unsociable or even rude. It can be tricky to work out the best way to keep everyone happy, so music licensing company PPL PRS Ltd have put together some advice to help you gauge whether you’re in the right or wrong […]