Millions of Brits cringe when looking back on an office Christmas party – with four in 10 confessing to a face-reddening embarrassing moment. A study of 2,000 workers found one in 10 have been caught photocopying a body part, and a fifth have drunkenly revealed a secret they would rather have kept quiet. Another 13 […]
Millions of us reliving office Christmas party horrors
Absent without leave over Christmas? A quarter of Millennials will be
For many UK employees the pressures of juggling family, health and care demands alongside work commitments are a cause of major stress, anxiety and unplanned absences from work. That’s according to new research from Benenden Health, which says although a quarter of employees (25%) said unapproved absences from work had been down to over indulgence […]
24% of 25-34 year-olds have been involved in an office romance
Recent research into changing attitudes towards office romance has revealed that nearly a quarter (24%) of people aged 25-34 have had a long-term relationship with a colleague – this is compared to just 12% of over 65s. As well as relationships, sex between colleagues is becoming more common. 29% of 25-34-year-olds said they have had a one-night stand with someone at work, with just 12% […]
UK workforce ‘struggling with cross-country meetings’
A third of people in the UK have felt ill or suffered from a lack of sleep as a result of travelling for work. The news comes from a survey carried out by Capita Travel and Events in support of its Unnoticed Impact of Business Travel report, which explores how the UK workforce feels about the culture of […]
Lots of Christmas parties? You’ll need that ‘hygge’ feeling
The average Brit can make it through five nights out in a row – before they need a cosy night in to recover. A study of 2,000 adults found that a tenth feel they need a night in after just one night out over the winter. And a third would happily spend every night at […]
Mental wellbeing ‘biggest health challenge facing businesses’
Almost half of employers (49%) say that mental health is the biggest health and wellbeing challenge facing businesses. That’s according to research from Towergate Health & Protection, which says the majority of organisations proactively make provisions to support the mental wellbeing of their employees. 72% offer mental health training for staff, and 76% offer access […]
What colour is your diet?
The nation’s diet is 25 per cent green, 14 per cent red – and nine per cent beige. A study of 2,000 adults revealed that despite a belief Brits are often tucking into starchy carbs like pasta, potatoes and bread, plates are also filled with leafy greens including kale, peas and broccoli, and rich reds […]
Over 40? It’s the knees, joints and eyes that start to go first…
Our bodies start to fail us from head to toe during our forties – with knees, joints and eyes all starting to show signs of wear and tear. A poll of 2,000 adults found on average, knees start to creak at the age of 47, hearing deteriorates at 49 and the back ‘goes’ as early […]
Bad onboarding makes people quit jobs quickly
Around half of employees have quit jobs within one month because of a poor initial onboarding experience. That’s according to research from New Process Bliss, which says alarming five in 10 workers have quit their jobs because they felt let down by the onboarding process of their new employer. Reasons that left workers feeling unwelcome […]
Here’s what you’re wasting you hard earn cash on
Brits make up to nine impulsive buys a month on ‘good deals’, spending almost £200. That’s according to research from Share to Buy, which has analysed where the average Brit spends their disposable income. The median annual income per household is around £29,400, with eating out, putting money away for a holiday and buying new clothes topping the […]
Tired at work? You’re not the only one
74% of Brits get less than eight hours of sleep a night, which is the suggested healthy amount for adults, while one in ten get four or fewer hours of sleep a night, which the NHS warns makes people more susceptible to conditions like diabetes. That’s according to a survey conducted by bed and mattress […]
Venues and corporate event organisers ‘need to improve hospitality knowledge’
UK events caterer and restaurateur Searcys and venue marketplace platform HireSpace have released findings from a new report identifying the key drivers for event planning decision making. The survey findings based on in-depth research, conducted by international insight specialist MMR, reveal for the first time two distinct mindsets when it comes to event booking and […]
20.3m British workers affected by money worries
Just over half (52% vs 50% last year) of UK employees have to borrow money to meet basic financial needs. That’s according to Neyber’s third annual DNA of Financial Wellbeing report, which this year looked into money behaviours and attitudes of over 11,000 employees and 720 employers. Not surprisingly, financial worries are taking a toll on people. […]
How sustainable is your lifestyle? Get refurbishing!
Millions of of Brits are turning to refurbished and secondhand items in a bid to live a more sustainable existence. That’s according to a study of 2,000 adults, which found a third of us are happy to pick up used items such as clothing, homeware and gadgets – to help the planet. And six in […]
Third of men say it’s unprofessional for women to discuss their period at work
32% of male office workers claim it is unprofessional for women to talk about their period in the workplace. The survey of 2,000 office workers by Initial Washroom Hygiene found there is a real fear of having open conversations about how periods affect women at work. Meanwhile, the women polled said they would feel more […]
Financial stress front of mind for working Millennials
‘Stress and anxiety related to finances and debt’ is the health and wellbeing issue that employers think most affects their Millennial employees. That’s according to the findings from GRiD’s latest research amongst 500 HR decision makers. In fact, the top three health and wellbeing issues that employers believe most affect their millennial workforce, are: · Stress […]
Blokey #bantz at work ‘dying out’
Research by culture change business Utopia and The Hobbs Consultancy has found men’s expectations of themselves have shifted. 71% of men report they still feel the need to be the main financial provider for their family, yet almost half – 46% – claim that it’s now also their responsibility to be the primary carer to their […]
Is your job making you sick?
Workers are struggling to fit medical appointments around the demands of their job despite the best efforts of employers and the NHS – are you one of them? A study by AIG Life found more than half (52%) of UK workers have had to cancel or change medical appointments because of work commitments while nearly […]