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Why are regular company events important for retention?

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In today’s fast-moving landscape, a company’s ability to foster a strong team identity is more important than ever. That’s where regular company events are an important part of keeping employees happy, aiding retention. Hugo Campbell, co-founder of Togather, a platform that helps you find supplier for your events… Retaining employees is now statistically more difficult […]

Increasing reliance on employee benefits make them a key to talent retention

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A new study by BHN (Blackhawk Network) Extras, unveils a critical call for HR decision-makers to take action. Revealed today, the study exposes a concerning situation of increasing number of  employees struggling to make ends meet. Many are grappling with persistent costs-of-living increases which is evident of the uptake of employee benefits making them a […]

Personalised employee benefits a new way to engage your workforce

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Benefits are increasingly important to workers. In recent years, the rise of flexible working, Gen Z attitudes to work and the increase in cost of living have all contributed to a desire for more tailored benefits. As such, employers who offer personalised employee benefits packages will be much more likely to gain an edge in […]

How can employers attract, recruit and retain Black Gen Z talent in 2023

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Following the release of the #ThisIsBlackGenZ report, which surveyed and interviewed Black Gen Z to reveal their real-life experiences in the UK workplace, the team at TapIn have put together ‘11 Recommendations for Employers to Attract, Recruit, and Retain Black Gen Z talent in 2023’. The tips come after the annual report has revealed: Code-switching […]

42% of companies to increase headcount but must look after staff to attract and retain best talent

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Towergate Health & Protection today releases the details of research1 into the recruitment plans of over 500 companies from across the UK. The findings reveal that one third (33%) of employers have increased their employee headcount over the last 12 months, and 42% are looking to increase employee numbers further over the next 12 months. […]

Five ways businesses can help employees fall back in love with their job

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How to reignite the passion for our job? Here are five ways in which businesses can help employees love their job. We’ll have to wait a whole year for Valentine’s Day but let’s try to keep the passion alive – in our jobs too. Businesses play a key role here and need to remind employees […]

The battleground for workplace benefits, incentives and entitlements

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Tim Baker, Director at ZEDRA  discusses benefits, incentives and entitlements at today’s workplace. As if four-day weeks and work from anywhere were not enough, the array of benefits, incentives and entitlements on offer to employees around the world continues to expand. LinkedIn’s 2022 Global Talent Trends report found 60% of job seekers prioritise compensation and […]

Employers face ‘creativity’ challenge, not worker apathy

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‘Quiet quitting’ is not the issue, instead employers face a ‘creativity’ challenge, not employee apathy, as workers want more creative and fulfilling jobs. Only 4% of workers say they are doing the ‘bare minimum’ at work, suggesting that ‘quiet quitting’ is not the issue.  A lack of purposeful and fulfilling work is to blame and […]

Is Passive Aggression The Perfect Office Crime?

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Passive-aggressive behaviour could be described as the ‘perfect office crime’ because these toxic acts are partially hidden and it can be difficult to prove someone is being passive-aggressive, even though their behaviour can be insidious and destructive. It is important to address because not only does passive aggression affect the direct victims but also often […]

Quiet Quitting: What are the risks of doing the ‘bare minimum’ at work?

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With almost 7 million views on TikTok and counting, the ‘Quiet Quitting’ trend has taken social media by storm in recent weeks. Young employees, still dealing with the ongoing effects of the pandemic, are focusing on prioritising their work/life balance over impressing their employers. Quiet Quitting doesn’t refer to an employee leaving a role, but […]

Workers want more training as the skills gap widens in the UK

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British workers are in urgent need for more skills training as the skills gap widens research shows. 78 per cent of adults want to learn new skills whenever they can 11million (28 per cent) of Brits don’t feel properly trained to do their current job 59 per cent would be willing to learn in their […]

How to win the recruitment and retention race

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Covid-19 has changed the world for good, and as the world of work has changed, the expectations and demands of employees have grown. As the world starts to emerge from restrictions and lockdowns, the race to secure resources has begun and, within organisations, human resources and the quality of those human resources are crucial. Therefore, […]

No surprises – new skills training, promotions & pay rises key to retaining staff

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A new report has revealed the priorities for bosses when it comes to retaining staff and keeping them positive in the workplace. The study of 750 senior business professionals by Arch Apprentices provided an insight into employee retention – uncovering how to have a happy and productive workforce. Enabling employees to learn new skills was […]

Workers ‘more altruistic’ than expected

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Workers in offices where jobs are at risk are just as concerned about the effects on others as they are about their own security, according to new research. The study by Rotterdam School of Management at Erasmus University revealed that company reshuffles and fear of redundancies can be driven by more than just self-preservation as […]