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Why you should attend Venues + Events Live

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SquareMeal knows the busy lives of PAs and EAs; spending your time as efficiently as possible is a priority when you have a tremendous workload. At Venues + Events Live, their mission is to tackle that by making your life as an assistant just a little bit simpler. Your experience at Venues + Events Live […]

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App of the Week: Uber for Business

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Uber for Business could revolutionise your company’s ground transportation needs. The platform provides you with a central dashboard where you can manage all rides for employees or guests, giving you a clear view of all of your trip activity and automating billing, expensing and reporting. Vincenzo Ferrara finds out how easy the app is to […]

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Ride a Segway to success for your next corporate event

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We know the PA’s nightmare. The boss calls you into the office and says he wants the team to have a day out to say thanks for their efforts and pull colleagues closer together. Depending on the company you may have an age range from 18 to 60. Paintball, go-karts, rage buggies just won’t suit […]