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How to be happy at work this International Week of Happiness at Work

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A full-time employee will spend around a quarter of their time at work. When you take the weekend and time spent sleeping out of the equation, this increases to 50% of our waking hours Monday-Friday. For the vast majority, working is a necessity โ€“ we need to pay the bills and maintain a quality of […]

Top 5 employee retention tips

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Gareth Hoyle, Managing Director of Marketing Signals shares his top tips for employee retention. All quotes by Gareth. Over the past couple of years, work has changed for businesses across the globe. This change, at times, hindered the ability to keep employees satisfied and to want to stay employed within their company. This phenomenon of […]

PA Life is here to support you

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News of another lockdown is not ideal, but PA Life will be here to support you. We will aim to bring you the latest industry news, ways to continue professional development and how to improveย core business skills in the current climate. We will also be working with leading PAโ€™s, EAโ€™s, VAโ€™s, Office Mangers and more […]

Harley Street Concierge shares new cancer support guide for employers

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To coincide with World Cancer Day (February 4, 2019), Harley Street Concierge has compiled a new guide to ensure employers are offering the right support to staff with a cancer diagnosis. As today marks World Cancer Day (February 4, 2019), specialist cancer care provider Harley Street Concierge (HSC) has detailed its new guide to support […]

Office management development โ€“ an appetite to learn

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Office managers are busy bees, sometimes managing up to 25 different remits from accounting and IT to events. To help support these staff members, the Black & White Office Consultancy has launched its own Office Management Portal as a go to resource for office managers.ย Hana Gray fromย Black & White Office Consultancy reveals how it works […]