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Virgin Media O2

Need a pick me up? Here are the top 40 Brit boosters

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Brits need three ‘boosts’ to get them through a typical day – with the first required as early as 9:12am. Research of 2,000 adults revealed those aged between 18-24 need the most boosts, with adults between 55-64 requiring least. The biggest pick-me-ups were found to be getting some good news, the sun shining and getting […]

Be kind and mean it when you say ‘thank you’, says study

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Researchers who polled 2,000 adults found they’ll typically express their gratitude 207 times a month – but 54 of those thank yous are uttered just for the sake of it. And perhaps as a result, a quarter believe the art of genuinely thanking someone else is ‘dying out’. However, an insincere thank you is still […]